Wide range of solutions for quick release or securing: SLIC Pins, Clevis Pins, Lynch Pins, Wire Lock Pins, Tab Lock Pins, Lifting Pins, Ball Lock Pins, index plungers and pull pins including accessories such as lanyards or cotters.
Southco Lockwell Quick Release Pins are precision-made pins providing quick, easy, positive engagement for applications...
Model 01V Nylon Bridge Handle with moulded bore for securing from above.
The PLUS SYSTEM SC is a rigid linear unit with moving profile & fixed carriage/...
CLLH-SHL142-001 Key Lockable Swing Handle. Diecast chrome plated.
Over Centre Latches Non-Locking & Padlockable PAH-CT-0212, PAH-CT-0222, PAH-CT-0232, PAH-CT-0210, PAH-CT-0220, PAH-CT-0230
Southco MP – Coat Hook provides a flush look & features a robust pop-out hook...